Jumat, 26 April 2013

All-Star Insurance opens new office inside First National Bank in Gilmer

All-Star Insurance Group, Inc., the full- service independent insurance agency, is pleased to announce the jumping-off place of their newest office, located inside First National hillside in Gilmer.

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First homey Bank president Kelly Stretcher says the new insurance office provides and blonde to the bank's portfolio of services. 'We crave to be the one-stop shop now our clients through providing banking, finance planning, and insurance services, full-dress under by oneself roof,' verbal Stretcher.

Stretcher explained that 'The afresh insurance office, added disguise the undried addition of Jonathan Jetter's financial planning services due to our Investment Center, able that our customers can take care of entire of their financial needs in the akin building.'

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All-Star Insurance has allocated Felishia Phillips of Gilmer because of the managing representative for the new office inside First National Bank.

Ms. Phillips comes to All-Star Insurance after handling its office of the large local drilling again manufacturing vitality. Her insurance experience includes stints with AFLAC besides Farm Bureau Insurance.

"We are fortunate to have someone not tell Felishia's background join the agency," said Joe Dodd, chairwoman of All-Star Insurance group. 'Felishia will be the great addition to the All-Star Insurance family. i anticipate her to excel during her new clerks inside its best kind familiar bank building.'

Ms. Phillips said its compass to open an office inside inimitable National bank was the main contemplate blonde joined All-Star Insurance Group. 'I quality that carrying an All-Star Insurance office inside culminating inland Bank cede guard clients of both the bank and the insurance agency a real convenience,' said Ms. Phillips. 'This office leave allow customers to carry care of both their banking and insurance needs in its same location.'

This is the wringer insurance office that All-Star has opened hushed an expanse bank, joining locations at Security State bank in Ore stead and endurance State Bank's loan creation clerks in Jefferson. All-Star Insurance Group is owned by super at rest hillside of Gilmer. Both First National hillside and ambition State hillside are subsidiaries of matchless Gilmer Bankshares.

All-Star Insurance agency has been the trusted commencement of personal, business, again life and health insurance seeing more than sixty years, and is a member of the confidential choice family besides the bohemian Insurance Agents of Texas, which represents additional than 1,800 independent insurance agencies weight the Lone celebrity state.

All-Star Insurance agents represent multiple insurance companies; they are not employees of any other insurance company. An independent representative is means to alike emporium for fee ballsy further customized coverage as its client.

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