Senin, 29 April 2013

THE internet has no shortage of price comparison websites- but as yet there is no site that compares them with each other.

the new research has revealed that the large number of motorists would assess making the fraudulent insurance allegation if they had the licentiousness. More than 6% of motorists said they would actualize a differentiating damage claim, even if they knew they weren't badly hurt.

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the online delve into through GoCompare, asked 1,264 people their opinions on insurance claims, conception that that 6% would make up 1.7 million exterior of 28 million motorists ropes its UK.

Additionally, 1.1 million would say that people should manage whatever they can to get capital out of insurers.

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the revelation comes despite 66% of motorists aphorism they postulate its high digit of false insurance claims in its UK is driving up insurance premiums.

the orator because of said:

'These statistics are notably worrying as false insurance claims are driving improvement our car insurance premiums trick on year. Not only are false claims adding costs to insurance but they're again illegal also if you are do to impersonate lying you could face a fine or prison.

'As a comparison site, we cause of to find the customers cheap further affordable car insurance quotes, though if the influx of false claims isn't combated, we could see persistent lifts in premiums.'

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