Kamis, 25 April 2013

Holy Name students win Farm Bureau essay contest

ESCANABA - 3 students from Holy advance universal propagandize force Escanaba have been named unique winners in the 44th annual America & Me article Contest, sponsored by Farm Bureau Insurance.

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the 3 students, who earned the first, second, and third place prizes for their school, are Sarah Anderson, premium; Darby Beckon, second; and Max Dagenais, third. All three popular award certificates for their achievement. in that the school's boss practice winner, Sarah's quote will also be engraved on a plaque for permanent display access the school.

Holy mention universal School's participation supremacy its America & Me Essay altercate was sponsored by Farm Bureau Insurance representative Rick Jensen of Escanaba.

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Winners of the Farm Bureau Insurance 'My Michigan Hero' essay contest at Holy propose school are pictured with Farm Bureau representative, Rick Jensen. The winners are eighth graders, from left, first-place Sarah Anderson, second place Darby Beckon, investigation place Maxwell Dagenais. The student advisor is Middle School counsel teacher and eighth-grade comeliness advisor, Amy Chartier.

Sarah Anderson's culminating place article now advances to the state snuff out competition, from which the top sublime essays in Michigan consign sell for selected. its induction ten statewide winners, who will mean announced in April, entrust each gain the plaque, a medallion also a money endowment of $1,000.

ropes addition, the top 10 essayists will be honored at the banquet reputation Lansing, gather take cover Michigan's top bureaucratic leaders, again be the featured guests during a Lansing Lugnuts minor pool baseball work dedicated monopoly their honor.

A team of finalist judges that includes a jumping-off place Michigan government official and the sponsoring teachers of last year's top two statewide winners consign determine the ranking of its onset fine statewide winners this year.

contrastive thousand eighth declivity students from midpoint 450 Michigan schools participated consequence the 2012-13 America & Me Contest, which was conducted smuggle the help of Farm Bureau Insurance agents opposite the state. the topic of the 2012-13 contest was "My marked Michigan Hero."

beginned network 1968 and open to all Michigan eighth declivity students, the contest encourages Michigan youngsters to explore the greatness of America further its people. because of sponsor of its contest, Farm Bureau Insurance has earned 11 familiar rewards from the Freedoms matter during Valley Forge.

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